No Barriers

Chris Layne, Ms. Wheelchair Colorado 2020/21

Episode Summary

Get up, get out, and get rolling. That’s something we can all live by… especially on those sluggish days when the weight of the world feels especially heavy. Get up, get out, and get rolling. It’s the motto of our guest today, CHRIS LAYNE, aka Ms. Wheelchair Colorado 2020/21 and runner up to Ms. Wheelchair America. Yes it’s considered a beauty pageant, however in this case it’s not a contest to select the most attractive individual. Instead it’s a competition based on advocacy, achievement, communication and presentation to select the most accomplished and articulate spokeswoman for persons with disabilities. Since recovering from an accident left her paralyzed from the waist down, she’s been on an awareness raising mission. Dance, travel ski, rock climb, swim, drive, paddle… all things you can do in wheelchair. Play basketball, rugby, archery, sky dive… you get the point. Chris wants everyone to know that a great quality of life is possible, but it’s doing it in a different way… an adaptive way. Chris is interview by Erik Wiehenmayer and special guest host Billy Lister; a Paralympic cyclist.

Episode Notes

Chris Layne on Instagram