No Barriers

JR Martinez Live at the Summit

Episode Summary

In anticipation of the No Barriers annual 3-day festival we call the Summit (starts on Aug 25th), we’re re-releasing an episode that was recorded live at a previous Summit in Lake Tahoe. The guest? JR Martinez. His journey is filled with ups and downs. While on patrol with his Army unit in Iraq, his vehicle was hit with a roadside bomb. He was trapped inside as the explosives his vehicle was carrying detonated around him. During his recovery with over 30 surgeries and skin grafts, he found solace in helping other wounded veterans. 8 years later, an opportunity to join Dancing with the Stars arrived… you’ve heard of the show maybe?? …. and he (with his dancing partner) won the whole thing! He was in the spotlight now. Writing a book came soon after, the title: Full of Heart: My Story of Survival, Strength and Spirit. In this episode JR shares these experiences with us in an engaging way. And through out it his message of resilience and optimism rings true.